Tuesday, December 28, 2004

You Wanna Be Starting Something?.....

Comments required.
I guess this sort of goes with resolutions for some people -
but name IT -- name the ONE THING you want to happen in 2005.
I'm assuming its a personal thing but if you want WORLD PEACE or
SOME SUCH, I suppose it's allowed since the question itself is vague.
So, there you go: Name IT, say IT, write IT out....
Names have power.
Take that power, shape IT,
make IT happen (not to be confused with the Mariah Carey dance hit that came out when I was in 7th Grade)

This is my little cry for help cause I'm bored to fucking tears and none of you bastards are posting today...


Alyson said...

be braver, embrace singledom and learn to be alone again, figure out stuff about me - who i really am, where i really want to be, what i really want to do, be less forced and more real, go with the flow....you just wanted one thing...but it's all flow...

gigi said...

My resolutions are usually more meaningful than they are this year... possibly because I worked on last years' resolutions and "fixed" some things about myself. A realistic resolution for me is to buy another house and maybe rent the townhouse out. A less realistic resolution for me is to get a telecommuting job so I can go back to grad school full-time. I have several others in mind, but I'm still thinking them out...

By the way, I'm updating my blog a little better this week since I'm off work, so bring on the comments, Mister! :)