Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I'm so tempted to take off some time next week - maybe a Friday or a Monday - just to have a minute to to catch my breath, slow down, Christmas shop, I don't know. I feel so scatterbrained right - when can I sleep in, fold clothes, clean my house, do the dishes, put up Christmas decorations, find an uptempo song and a ballad to sing at Into The Woods auditions (something I can at least fake my way through) - my boss has been out of the office drinking today (thank Kali - that blood sacrifice last week must have paid off) - fucking phone calls today - I remember days on the Yucatan -- Go to Hell!! -- saw Steve's video game article in the Weekly today - never have I felt happier reading the words, 'Quaker Life' - I should ask him if he needs a slightly used file clerk / fact checker / gofer / factotum / or at least someone to help bury dead hookers and clean up various messes - I need a new job - fucking radio - if I have to hear this fucking "some people want it all" song one more fucking - I would bash in a newborn's head with a hammer right now to make this song stop - this is truly Hell On Earth - clip clop of ugly women in ugly high heels, women with bad hair cuts and horrible senses of style clip clop - I hate that portions of my mind have to be filled with all of this useless stuff I have to listen to at work. And who put gum in my typewriter??

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