Monday, December 13, 2004

Press Play

I'm so ready for 5 o'clock.
I still haven't put up any Christmas decorations.
The house is clean now, though.
Called the windshield people - they're gonna fix the glass tomorrow morning.
I have a plethora of cuts and scrapes (and not the fun, soothing self inflicted kind).
My cuticle is all messed up. I keep snagging it on everything. Hurts. Wince.
Cut on my forehead (but hey, I've got a huge forehead - so, it's nice to have something to break up the monotony)
Need groceries, paper towels, drinks.
Want to get my car painted, the paint's all faded. Sunspots.
Want a radio in my car again. Speakers. Something simple. A CD player. XM. Geek.
One or two more Christmas presents need to be purchased.
Resumes have to be sent out.
2005 is on the way, it's here.
And I may start it out doing yet another show.
What happened to going to school?
52 card pick up.
New job, new job. Weird life.
Good friends, close friends.
My birthday. A birthday party. Huge Big. Event.
This afternoon is going to be so cool. Nothing to do. Break.
A date with my couch.
Tomorrow yoga.
Then...five solid days of 1940s.
Parents coming? Amber coming?
"Why was the ground at Custer's Last Stand so white?"
"Cause the Indians kept coming and coming and coming...."
lol. Ha. Ha.
Off work for Christmas.
Natalie's birthday. More cat sitting for Kevin and Marcie.
Punch and Judy and Domino.
New Year's Eve.
Are Mark and Lorna playing??
Questions, questions.
" if you're lonely..... know I'm here....waiting for you....
...I'm just a cross hair......
...I'm just a shot away from you......
...and if you leave here.... leave me broken, shattered I lie...
...I'm just a cross hair......
...I'm just a shot, then we can die...."

1 comment:

Kevin and Megan said...

Kevin and I have the okay to go to the show on Saturday night. Give me a time, place, amount of cash needed, etc. Also, would you have a place for us to crash that night? Call (904-294-7580 or 904-982-2932) or e-mail ( w/details. LOVE!