Monday, December 06, 2004

Wrapped In Plastic (Part 3: Does Your Dog Bite?)

Last night I watched The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers starring Geoffrey Rush.
The movie itself was a little choppy but Rush chews every scene he's in.
I think I want to check out some of Sellers' work now.
I saw Dr. Strangelove when I was in the 10th Grade - but I was too young.
I really identified with him (Sellers) in the movie - especially the line - "I have no personality of my own."
Isn't is funny how nothing pleases some people, how some of us (myself included) just don't seem - umm -
programmed for happiness.
Even with success, it's not definite.
So what's a Never Ran to do then?
A sucker, a piker, a might-have-been?
(those lyrics play over and over again)
I mean, happiness, success, those things aren't rights...they're not assured.
Nothing is. Well, most things aren't.
People are better to me than I deserve.
I'm glad they aren't as lazy as I am.
I want to be surrounded by them and be left to rot all at the same time.
Protected and cast off.
Hugged and slapped.
Smiles and scorn.
I'm selfish, I guess.
And on a random note, can I talk about how much I still hate that R&B nightmare of a song,
with the chorus that goes -"Some people want it all, blah blah blah"
If such a place as Hell exists (and why not this morning), Hitler and Stalin and Ted Bundy must be listening to that song right now -- or maybe they help write this stuff.

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