Friday, December 03, 2004

You Make Me Hard, When I'm All Soft Inside

Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

I am in love with inertia. I love not doing anything. Today has been perfect. With the rare email exception, it's been dead as Dillinger. All Fridays should be like this - maybe a little faster time-wise - but workload, slow. The faster slow axis, the C plus student's guide to life. It's not that I'm lazy - I just hate filling my head with all of the work related things that are - to me - unimportant, detritus, a waste of space and time and energy - some legal secretary or paralegal droning on and on about something as if it were Life and Death, Chaos and Order, Random and Purpose all rolled into one. And I feel like, 'It's just a file that some other idiot lost before I ever even moved to Orlando, ya stupid slag cunt, how should I know where it is.' It's not important - and - well, that's always my problem, isn't it? - the 'pretending to care' portion of any job...I'm not very...good at that.

Entombed. Atrophied. Drowned. Wait, isn't that how I order my hashbrowns at Waffle House?

Ready t'go. Meetcha outside.

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