Sunday, December 05, 2004

Wrapped In Plastic (Part 2)

Fuck me.

I'm so glad to have three days off from 1940s -
not cause of the show - that actually went really well today.

I just need to be...away...from everybody for a bit.

Everything tastes like ashes to me. And that's nobody else's fault.

Just my own.

This isn't where I expected (wanted) to be right now.
Like a fucking ghost.
Like an idiot.

It's all my fault at the end of the day.
I can't create anything but this pointless meaningless heavy feeling in my chest.
I'm a failure at everything else I come into contact with.
Fucking idiot.
Your fault, your bullshit.

What the fuck has happened to me this past year.....who the fuck am I?
A fucking liar, especially to myself....

A liar.
A loathsome fucking mess.
Asshole. Cocksucker. Bastard. Fuck.

Waste. Trash. Liar. Idiot.

Empty fucking black hole cry baby fucking monster.

An ass. A fool. A fucking waste of space, a waste of skin.

I feel like this isn't even my life, like I've been knocked into some hellish fucking dimension next door.

How the fuck do I get back to where I should be?

All the doors are locked and the game is rigged.

I'm not suppose to be here.
This isn't what I want.
This isn't working.
This is wrong.
This is doomed.
This is a waste.

Exposed as the simpering fucking little monster you are, you fuck.

Wow, usually this kind of tearing myself down has it's own pleasant side effects -- but tonight...I just feel numb to it.


1 comment:

Kevin and Megan said...

Kevin and I think that you are one of the best people we know. We count you as one of our closest friends, and get super excited whenever we have the opportunity to see you.

No matter what, you've got some people in this corner who love you deeply.