Thursday, December 02, 2004

A Deadly Game Of Cat And Also Cat

That opening scene, what I've dubbed the ' heinous card game sequence' changes like wet clay every night. The password yesterday was hot chocolate. Todd's line, asking me for hot chocolate got jumped or dropped ( -- in a way, the whole opening of the show is kinda like throwing a deck of cards into the air -- say a line, say it fast, go go go) and he kept trying to say that line in some other way. The problem was we were way past hot chocolate at that point and my line back would have been nonsense. Finally, I looked over at him with my goofiest Wally face and said through gritted teeth - 'Don't ask me about the hot chocolate again'.
But that's all cake and parties and ice cream compared to Jeff and Jason having 'words' outside. I missed the big blow out (Jason's - and there's a part of me that just wants to say, 'Fuck you, you little twerp.' to him - but that would be nonsense) but there was plenty of tension and wishing to be a fly on the wall, that's for sure.
And tonight we have an audience and why not?
Honestly, I'm not worried or stressed - but it could just be that I'm too tired for my brain to give any energy to much beyond yawning. I fell asleep last night during notes. Who's Joe?
Jeff was right last night - this whole show has been like a sociology experiment. Turn up the heat, let's see what they do. Although he provides some of that heat (our bows probably need one or two more steps added to them) but he's not the only one with a red hot poker.

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