Thursday, December 02, 2004

Is That An Umbrella In Your Pocket.....

Random. Don't know why this bugged me so much. Driving down Orange Avenue this morning, heading to work - there's this guy walking on the sidewalk reading a piece of paper, a letter, a bill, a suicide and/or ransom note, something, right. Now this guy has on a pair of track pants, windbreaker material, you know. Down the back of the left leg, this guy has an umbrella sticking out of the waist of his pants, near his kidney. A big red and black umbrella. The umbrella is so big that it goes past his knee and make him walk with a limp (unlike 50 Cent). Now, you can't tell me that even holding/reading a letter that it's easier to stuff an umbrella in your pants than it is to tuck it under your arm and walk that way. Why am I starting to feel like seeing this Limping Umbrella In Pants Man is a bad omen, a sign, a sigul, a portent of something bad. Like seeing a Grim in the Harry Potter books. My nose is tweaked and I feel very paranoid.

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Come to think of it, I do believe I recall a reference to the umbrella-pocket-man in Revelations. Any Nostradamus experts out there?