Saturday, November 20, 2004

Straps McGowen AKA The Grasshopper AKA Rhubarb, Cardsharp and Bon Vivant: Vegas Style 1972

Finally got my haircut today, this morning at 10. Elizabeth did a great job. I don't know about the rest of you but it's very important to me that my hair stylist can hold a decent conversation during the actual haircut -- and in that regard, Elizabeth rules as well. And she totally got that I needed to be able to comb my hair (my cow lick convention) into a 1940s - esque style, as well as the little hipster-messy-but-on-purpose thing she did.
After that met Sarah and Caroline at Toojay's had lunch (Caroline was cool enough to pick up the tab - thank you Daddy's credit card). Then it was off to Sci Fi City to get my geek on, checking out some comics and roleplaying stuff, then to Best Buy to look at DVDs, then Target, then Barnes & Noble, and now home sweet home, typing on Rob's computer (when will I be able to get a computer of my very own??). Later tonight, I'm heading over to Kevin and Marcie's -- it's basically a little Dia De La Josh. Found a few possible Christmas ideas for some people (and a ton of stuff for myself).
Tomorrow is all rehearsal work grind put your back into it type stuff. Might go see Tenor, don't know yet. Need to go over my lines (need to snort a few lines to get through my lines, Lord -- 'Right, Lou' , 'Sure, Lou', 'Mr. Cantone?', 'You, Mr. Tilden', 'Hello. How are you?', 'I wanna go get my good pants!!')
My right eye hurts. Sort of a dull throbbing thing. Like I'm really aware of my heartbeat as it makes its way to my right eye, that kind of thing. Weird, annoying.
Oh, and Emily, if you're reading this you need to start a blog.
Random thought - I want to try and put a picture up, I know Amber put up one....
Well, I'm off to try and finish up Fevre Dream and then look over my lines.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I like it best when my hairstylist lets me do all the talking... especially cuz, if they talk too much, i think they lose concentration and give crappier haircuts.