Thursday, November 04, 2004

Who Turned Off The Bright Lights?

Today is so slow, it's not even noon yet. What is going on?
Theory of Revativity 101: Sitting at a 'Joe vs.The Volcano' type desk makes time drag by.

Last night's 1940's rehearsal went well. I've decided that David is a well of takes, double takes, and humor that I'm going to dip into for this show. His instincts as he moves through a scene are razor sharp and natural. Again, I'm happy to finally get the chance to play ball with him. The only thing bad about this show is the time crunch we are all under (30 days to go!!). All of the cast (that I don't already know) seem very cool and nice.

Before rehearsal I went by Kevin and Marcie's to check on Domino, Punch, and Judy (I'm cat sitting). They seemed to all be well. Since they were all in such a good mood, I neglected to tell them who won the election. Let Kevin and Marcie handle that when they get back on Saturday.

I've been debating back and forth about letting more people in on my blog. Mostly, Sarah, Jeff, and Kim. The ramifications of that could be, at the very least, awkward. As it stands now my 'audience' is pretty small: Amber, Marcie, Alyson, Gina, Geoff, Kevin, Megan, Todd, Rob, and I think Steve checks in from time to time. But even with those people, I find myself censoring certain things or phrasing them a different way.

Please don't think of this blog as my journal -- that's where the for my eyes only stuff goes. And anyone looking through my journal would need a Rosetta Stone to translate my idiosyncratic shorthand.

Maybe with this little forum, I can learn to stop censoring myself so much. To back up what I say. To not be so wishy washy (a trait I'm sure all of the people I listed and more who I didn't can't stand about me).

Is it worth it, let me work it, I put my thing down, flip it, and reverse it......

I feel a compulsion to write down that Missy Eliot lyric, no idea why......

Maybe the same compulsion that made me comment on it......

1 comment:

Kevin and Megan said...

I censor my journal all the time. I never go into the vitriolic rhetoric with my gentle readers that I do in a one-on-one session with a trusted friend on my LiveJournal - there is always the fear that the person I am blasting will someday find the link to it and discover what I really think of them. Of course, I worry about this and my actual, unedited paper journal is sitting on an open bookshelf - I guess I believe that, if you find a paper journal and read it, you had better be prepared for what you find.