Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thifty Drugstores....Now There Was A Show

We were at the theatre last night until a little after midnight. By that time all of us were punchy and laughing at anything that was even in the ballpark of a joke. (Larry supplied many of the best and dirtiest ones - cause let's face it, it's just funny to hear Larry say in his Pops' voice, "I use to come out on stage with my dick hanging out." That's just why Larry rules) Mostly we worked songs with David (the one playing Zoot -- not David Almeida). It was worth it. I wonder how other people's mornings went? Cause to be honest with you I still feel slightly not of this Earth, more so than usual.
No rehearsal tonight - Jeff changed plans, giving us Wednesday so he can be Scrooge McDuck with the rest of the schedule (he's been reading his battered copies of The Prince and The Art Of War, I guess). So, it looks like I'll be able to drive up to Jacksonville today instead of tomorrow morning.
Please let me have good orderly direction today -- not like the nightmare of yesterday (why are the short work weeks always so hellish??). And if they want to let a brother out a little early, that'd be the icing on the cake. I post again, if I get the chance. But in case I don't -- everybody who reads my little blog (or even if you randomly wandered by) have a great Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

David Tellez said...

You have a great Thanksgiving too!