Thursday, November 18, 2004

I Know That You Know That I Know That You Know That I Know

I detest homeless people. Sight and smell. Their grubby faces. Their low rent con artist banter when they try to tell their sob story to you. Or the indignant way they demand a dollar or a cigarette. Every time I see one of them shuffle towards me, I think: bullet to the head, mass grave.
Lake Eola is such a nice park and I love to go there. It's pretty, relaxing and nice. Except when you're sitting in the little red pagoda on your ten minute break and suddenly five homeless guys are there begging, demanding, and ruining the view.
Oh, but Josh, have compassion for the downtrodden, the surplus populace, the hard luck cases, there but for the grace of Blah Blah Blah...
No. Nope. Nada. Bullet to the head. Mass grave.
Of course my blood is up right now. I don't expect this is a policy anyone in authority is going to sign off on any time soon.


And while I'm complaining about minor things: OPEN FUCKING SESAME!! The elevators in this building are horrible. This falls into my Inanimate Objects Conspiracy Against Josh file. Which is located next to the Gravity Ain't Josh's Momma file. See also the Josh's Clumsiness Causes A Panic file

Also in the IOCAJ file we shoes. This is twofold. They won't stay tied and they now squeak when I walk. The only time they don't squeak is when I'm stopping to tie them.

And I was stopped by a train this morning.

It's Craig and Crystal's anniversary with the firm today and Terrence is taking them to lunch..they wanted me to go at noon...but I can't do back to back noon lunches so I told them I already had plans...I don't, really, at least not anything that couldn't be shifted...but fuck that, let them go at noon. Just about the only good thing going today is having all of them out of the office at the same time.

What about Wally Fergusson???

On the 1940's front -- I have to spent some time this Friday and Saturday running my lines until I have them down. I just have to keep doing it and doing it until they're mine. Counting today and assuming we're having a Thursday preview night before we open on the 3rd -- we have 15 days until there's an audience in front of us. A little scary but I'm still not really worried about it. I can say that I'm ready to have some props in my hand. So many of my bits rely on props.

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