Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Spread Your Legs, Quiz Whore

This is from Amber's blog, it's a little random but here goes:

1) Favorite coffee drink?
Cafe Vanilla Frap from Starbucks.

2) Favorite alcoholic drink?
Whiskey Sour.

3) If you could do anything (jobwise) what would you want to do?
Be a writer.

4) What would you do if you won the lottery?
Spend it on coke and hookers.

5) Who is the person you spend the most time with?
Don't know. It would probably be a seven way tie.

6) What's on your Xmas list?
My God. Too much. That's a post of a different color.

7) Do you have someone special? (Okay, we get it, Amber has a boyfriend, Lord!)
I have lots of special people around me but....if this question is meant in a romantic way, nope.

8) Ever been in love?

9) Who do you admire?
People who are funny. People that can enrapture an audience.

10) Blonde, brunette, or Red Head?
Everyone knows the answer to this: Red Heads.

11)Favorite food?
I like large portions of whatever I'm having.

12) If you could change lives with one of your friends for a day, who would you pick?
This is tough. I may have to get back to this one.

That's that. For now. On another note, I'm reading this George R. R. Martin book, Fevre Dream, and it's awesome. About vampires and steamboats and the Mississippi.

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