Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This Would Make A Great Story For Gorey To Illustrate

Have you ever known (or been forced to work with) a real, sour, mean spirited old man or woman. Just somebody that sucks the joy and light and life and energy out of the room. A dried up, toxic, vile old toadstool. And if the answer is yes (and it probably is), have you ever wondered if there was one special thing or person in the world that actually could melt the old bastard's (or bitch's) heart. Like they were a character in a Christmas movie and all they needed was to be reminded of the goodness in the world. Let's say its their grandchild they haven't seen in years or a dog that looks like old Jake (I decided to name the dog Jake, it's a good, solid old person's dog name). You know what I'd like to with an old stone face cocksucker (or cunt) like that: find that one special thing that melts their heart and drown it in a bucket right in front of them. That's what you get, you old goat. Then I'd laugh my best unhinged, deranged laughter and send them on their miserable way.

Just something I was thinking about today.

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