Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Name Three Things...

1) That you cannot live without...
My friends
My family
My brief periods of time away from the aforementioned

2) That you can live without but CANNOT seem to part with...
Cell phone
This blog

3) That you wish to accomplish this coming week...
Have my lines for 1940s Radio Hour down cold
Have my music for 1940s Radio Hour down as close to cold as my tin ear will allow
Eat massive amounts of turkey and broccoli casserole and Key Lime pie

4) That you have accomplished this past week...
Umm, I'm sort of bad about actually following through on anything so...nothing.

5) That are on your holiday wish list...
A new wallet
Giftcards - Urban Outfitters, Target, Borders, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Bath & Bodyworks
DVDs: Star Wars Trilogy, Return Of The King, MST3K, Batman Animated Series, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Samurai Jack, Farscape (this all counts as one)

6) That you would like to change about yourself...
Well, I'm comfortable with my greed, so let's see...
My insecurity
My serotonin levels
My fear of authority

7) That you like about yourself...
My sense of humor
There's not much else, really.

8) That you should be doing right now instead of what you are doing...
Going to school
Writing (I don't even care what - I should just write everyday)
Working?....fuck that

9) That, in your life, could use more organization...
Any academic part of my life
My future plans, goals
Umm...I like peanutbutter, can you swim?.....

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