Thursday, October 07, 2004

The bright little center of the universe

Suddenly I'm in 8th grade again....coming from Crystal's radio (here at work) is a little bit of rap nostalgia that goes, 'All I wanna do is Zooma Zoom Zoom Zoom and a Boom Boom! Shake Ya Rump!' I can almost smell the school bus. Funny song.

Hung out with Amber last night. Her and Brian's concert (Social Distortion - I feel like I know the name but I have no idea what they may sing) was cancelled. Somebody ate a bad clam or something. So, the concert was moved to tonight and their tickets from yesterday are still good for today. This seems like a strange policy to me but whatever. They're gonna go tonight instead and drive like mad for Jax afterward cause Amber has to finish up some work on Friday. For those of you keeping score at home, she's an Art Teacher for 6th through 8th grade.

They may or may not still be asleep on the couch, lucky bastards.

As for me, I forgot that I was suppose to help out one of my fellow phantoms (Tyler) by being in this 10 minute scene for some class of hers. Why do I let myself get roped into crap like this? What's wrong with me? Stupid.
I agreed to do it without thinking, like, 'Yeah, sure, sounds cool, okay, yes.' And now I don't want to do it. And the way my wormy little mind works, I'm trying to think up a reasonable lie to get out of it. Todd also agreed to help with the scene and a little while ago he called my cell -- but for some reason I don't like to answer my cell (that's another post altogether) -- it makes me nervous -- and now there's a voicemail waiting from him -- and I have this sense of dread that he's going to beat me to the punch and get out of the scene before me. Why did I say I would help out? I don't help out with things, I hate helping out. I'm too self centered to help people, it's just a pain in the neck and an ache in the ass and a milky drip from the tip of a sore dick. Helping out sucks. Period. Plus, I think that in order to do this scene -- we'd have to miss rehearsal on Monday -- and I'm already going to be out Sunday and Tuesday (for Jeff's audition). I can't miss another day. Life would be easier if I could just say, "Totally changed my mind, can't help, sorry".

Anyway, enough of that mess, days from now I won't even remember what the big deal was.

1 comment:

gigi said...

We have to chat about the "fear of answering the cell phone" thing... I have it too. The ring of my phone sometimes makes me feel sick. Weird.