Friday, October 08, 2004


Dramatis Personae:

Me - hello, hi, how ya doing. A phantom.
Sarah - playing the part of Janet, my ex girlfriend (once again, that's a post of a different color)
Jeff - my best friend, playing the Narrator
Jenn Wood - a phantom, my show crush, she rules
Natalie - playing Magenta, she also rules, I can't say enough nice things about her.
Todd - a phantom. My dawg, my boy, my {insert heterosexual male term of affection here}
Tammy - a phantom, totally cool. Great dancer.
Tyler - a phantom, small doses person, sometimes I dislike her sometimes she's okay.
Elton - a phantom, weird guy, eats fire, that kind of stuff, did I say weird?
April - a phantom, weird girl, eats, well, eats Elton, I suppose. Sorry I couldn't resist.
Jenn - a phantom, know as UnCool Jenn. Anti-babe. Terrible in the show
Amanda - a phantom, waste of space, Anti-babe, can somebody get this girl a pillow?
Steve S. - guitarist phantom, cool as hell.
Seth - our director, full of great ideas, a little too wishy washy to handle the stuff that's going on.
John - Frank N Furter, he rules, but I think he may be a little too close to Jodi.
Jodi - our choreographer, lazy, unprepared, no motivation.
Kim - our AD, nice, she's basically the Stage Manager because (see entry under Dana)
Dana - Stage Manager, useless for everything that doesn't involve eating funnel cake.
Matt - playing Brad. Fuck this guy. A tool.
Ward - playing Eddie/Dr. Scott. He's okay.
Steve - playing Riff Raff. Eh, also okay.
Katrina - playing Columbia. The girl can sing, in all other regards, she sucks.

Okay, now that you have this handy dandy key, I have one thing to say about last night's rehearsal:

The inmates have taken over the asylum.

So Sarah and I get to rehearsal last night and there's little Tammy sipping on a drink and she looks up at us and says, 'Jodi's not going to be here.' Sip. I'm amazed at how well she maintains her anger. She's all calm as a Hindu cow on the outside but underneath that, she (like most of the cast) is pissed. Actually, let me put that in upper case, Pissed.

Natalie steps in and handles choreography for 'Once In A While'. She is a bad ass. She is now also in charge of the 'Don't Dream It, Be It' section of Floor Show. Jodi's idea for that was just a random grope session, or as Jenn Woods put it, 'a pig pile'. Anyway, Natalie has stepped up to the plate and Seth owes her big time.

Sarah, Tammy, Tyler, and Jenn Woods reworked 'Eddie's Teddy' and now it looks good. Unlike the horrible and dull and stupid crap Jodi had us doing (that she spent about three minutes thinking up).

UnCool Jenn spent most of the night pissing on territory for Jodi, she had lots of "notes" for the non Jodi choreography. Stupid bitch. If Jodi wanted this job she should have put forth some effort. It's not up to UnCool Jenn to grade the new dances, God knows she hasn't said boo to Jodi. I know that's her friend and all but fuck the two of them. Amanda sat on the floor on a pillow the whole night. The two of them are awful in the show anyway. I am on a "Fire The Anti-Babes" kick right now. They're all anchors on the show. In my humble opinion.

Seth covered his ass by saying that, "as we get closer to opening the line between director and choreographer and everyone will start to blur." Natalie asked him if she should start working on something for 'Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me' and Seth said, "um, that's really Jodi's thing and if I take that away from her she'll never talk to me again." To which Sarah replied, "Well, if I look stupid in my song, I'll never talk to you again." And even Katrina chimed in with a, "yeah, Seth, do you want one person mad at you or the whole cast mad at you?" Good point.

Seth offered to give Sarah and Natalie credit in the program for "movement" but they both declined. They knew it would be more trouble than it was worth.

The suspense is incredible, I hope it will last. I would just like to thank Natalie for taking the tiny spark of hope I had for this show and expanding it to a two inch flame. Natalie rules.

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