Thursday, October 07, 2004

Two Reviews, Both Alike In Dignity

Ha. It turns out Todd's voicemail was about a review in the Orlando Weekly.
It was for Mad Cow's Romeo & Juliet, and Scott Hodges (feel free to boo and hiss, Gentle Reader)
did not receive a very favorable review. This would tickle me pink and leave me twittering with laughter if it
weren't for two things: Number 1) The reviewer was Al Krulick (not the best respected critic around). And Number 2) I have nightmares about what the reviews for Rocky Horror may look like.

There you have it, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Still, I'm just pissy and mean spirited enough to be a little pleased with the bad review. Just judging from the two things I've seen him in (Bat Boy & Whipping Wally Whomper), he's never impressed me much. Why all this nastiness and pettiness you ask? Why be glad at a poor review of some lame hairlip sporting hippie? Easy:

I don't like the cut of his jib. Ah, enough of him, there's plenty of Hairlip fodder for future posts, I'm sure.

Also in the Weekly was a review of Mad Cow's The Shape Of Things. Rocky's very own Steve Schneider wrote that one (a much better writer and critic). It didn't get a glowing review -- but it does star one of my little crushes -- Heather Leonardi, so, to me, it would be worth seeing. It's not a true crush really. She's just a person from the local theatre community that I wish I ran in the same circles with. She's really talented. And, yes, very cute. But for all I know she could be a complete cunt. Or a Southern Baptist. And since I have a little crush on her, I would be totally incapable of rational speech in her presence. I'm an idiot that way.

Check out the reviews There's a picture of Hairlip Hodges and of Heather Leonardi.

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