Friday, October 15, 2004

Maybe Next Time I'll Be Born In 1940?

I guess I should mention that I've been cast in Jeff's production of The 1940's Radio Hour.
In the role of Wally Ferguson, the delivery boy (His delivery wasn't good enough)
The full list is at
There are a lot of people that it will be fun to work with.
Like David and Larry -- I've been a fan of and friends with them since I knew them as Hinckley and Zangara in Assassins -- I'm glad that Wally has so many moments with their characters.
And Todd got in as Lou -- it'll be cool to do another show with Todd.
And, of course, Elizabeth rules the planet. I just hope that I'll have a Wally that's worthy of my cast.

Is it weird that I feel guilty that Marcie and Jenn didn't get cast? I mean, I had no say about that stuff. Totally Jeff's deal, his show and he can cast it however he likes. But, I don't know, I feel bad that I'm in the show (and I felt indifferent towards it - if I didn't get cast, I wouldn't have been broken up about it) and someone like Marcie was so into the show and the audition -- I don't know, it makes me feel guilty. Like it's my fault or I got a pass or I got handed something I didn't deserve. And this isn't anything that Marcie or Jenn put on me -- it's just the feelings that bubble up from me, naturally. It's funny, when I should feel guilty about something I actually did, I can be a complete sociopath -- but with things like this, when it's out of my hands, I have this heavy feeling in my chest. I must be paying for something from a past life (or a future life - remind me to tell you my theory of nonlinear soul progression -- cause who's to say that once you die, that you have to be reborn in only one direction on the river of time -- in my next life I could be plucked down during The Gilded Age or maybe Feudal Japan.)

We have our first read through this Saturday. Christmas here we come.

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