Monday, October 25, 2004

Now With More Crunk

Opening weekend came and went. I never thought that I would say this but...we rocked the fucking house. Both Friday and Saturday we were sold out. I am amazed by this cast. Everybody stepped up. The leads were spot on: John's Frank N Furter is a show unto himself, Sarah's Janet is perfect, Natalie owns the audience as Magenta, it's a pleasure watching a lot of these people work. Especially, Jeff's Narrator (Simon Lock). And the phantoms? We were like The Borg out there. Take no prisoners, hile gunslingers. I have rediscovered the fun of this show and for that I am so grateful. That sound you hear is the crack of a bat hitting a homerun. I don't know how we did it. But we did.

Our best show was Saturday night. I had so many friends there: Gina and Geoff, Kevin and Megan, Kevin and Marcie, David, Steve, Matt -- I'm so happy that we put on a good show for them. I was so nervous watching all of them during the preshow. Butterflies, fight or fly, crazy energy. I wanted to do good cause my 'peeps' were there, you know. When it's a bunch of strangers, I mean, you never have to see those people again.

It's official, Once In A While is my favorite part of the show. My inner diva loves it.

After the shows on both Friday and Saturday, I had some of the cast over to my place. It was cool and I'm glad everybody was able to make it. I don't think I slept a total of eight hours all weekend. 5:00 today can't come quickly enough. I'm looking forward to my three days off -- although I have to admit that I already kinda miss members of my cast: Jenn, Todd, Steve, Tammy -- so, I'm ready to jump back into the pool.

This weekend we have two shows on Friday and two shows on Saturday. Considering all the energy I had this past weekend, I'm ready for it. Amber and Brian are coming down this weekend. And maybe my friend from Borders Jenn Klein. And Missy. And maybe Heather and maybe Tim....I don't know. Just found out today Mom and Dad can't come. Sucks. They should be able to come down for 1940's Radio Hour though, so that's cool.

2 down, 11 more to go. More later if I get a chance. You know me and multi-blogs.

1 comment:

gigi said...

Seriously. You guys ruled all over the place on Saturday! Thanks for a fun weekend!

P.S. Must visit the Miss Green Faerie again SOON! ;)

P.S.S. I'm loving your use of "crunk." :)