Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Your Friends & Neighbors


There we are, everybody neat and pretty. I'm sure there is a fancier way to link everyone up but I don't know it yet. Every time I try to go to those Edit Me things under Links I get sent to a dead page or downed server or whatever the term is. I'm such a Luddite. The computer is just an evil spirit that has to be soothed through an intense series of rituals and blood oaths and voodoo charms and holy relics, to make sure it won't swallow your soul.

I am so glad that I had a night off from Rocky tonight, I got so much done. Cleaned the house, did laundry, cooked dinner, worked out, listened to some music (Franz, Scissor Sisters, and currently Death Cab For Cutie).

There is, however, a little Rocky drama tonight. Sarah, myself and a few other members of the cast all asked for permission weeks ago to audition for Jeff's upcoming show (1940's Radio Hour). Seth, our Rocky director, approved of this. Now, because we are so far behind because of our choreographer's (Jodi's) lazy bullshit, he's saying that we are not allowed to miss (the days requested were this upcoming Sunday and Tuesday).

Guess what, fucker? I am spoiling for a fight. Fuck you. Fuck your mother. Fuck your passive shit. Fuck your poor judgement in choosing Jodi. Fuck the fact that you should have confronted her weeks ago, you saw where this was heading. Fuck her for wasting our time and stalling with grope sessions and story time shit.

And I hope that Seth doesn't think that just because he talked to Jeff and Sarah that they'd just pass this info on to me and that's that. No. You have to come to me as the director and tell me (the guy that hasn't missed a single rehearsal, the guy that doesn't piss and moan, the guy doing things he didn't even think he was capable of, the guy that's lifting every fucking person in the show, the guy who's slowly been driven insane from anxiety dealing with all of the shit coming from that end of the creative table) tell that guy who asked for and received permission weeks ago to be off Sunday and Tuesday, tell that guy that because our choreographer has wasted all our time that I'm not allowed to audition for Jeff's show.

I can't wait.

I feel the crazy, red hazed Diann Geoghagan energy sizzle and pop around me like a black envelope of molecules.

I am so ready to unload. I am so ready to have this conversation with Seth. Cause we all know that tomorrow night, Jodi is going to be pulling the same fly by the seat of her pants shit. Whether it's pretty or not, and judging so far, it's not. I know that as I type this, Jodi is not listening to the Rocky music and writing down ideas and trying stuff out at her place. That's not happening. She has fucked this up. That's not my fault. It's Seth's mess cause he let her go this far.

I won't let Rocky haunt my November and December .

Oh, Amber and Brian just showed up, gotta go chat them up and see what's going on.

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