Monday, October 11, 2004

The Weekend Ends Here

The weekend was a blur and here we are at Monday (Moanday).
Even though we may spend more time together than a broken up couple should -- I had fun with Sarah on Friday, ordering pizza and renting the Will Ferrill Best Of Saturday Night Live DVD (Goulet!).
Saturday, I came into work for three hours, then it was off to rehearsal (SSDD - Natalie trying to crank out The Floor Show -- stupid cunts -Anti-Babe, ha, they should call it Anti-Pretty - dragging their feet). After rehearsal on Saturday, me, Sarah, Jenn, Jeff, Andy, Natalie, Steve Schneider, and Todd went to the Ale House to bond/vent/make each other laugh.
That's the funny thing about being in a fucked up situation like Rocky -- you end up making good friends out of it. In a weird way, it's a soldiers-in-battle thing. Cause when I tell the Rocky stories to other people they get them -- but something is lost in translation -- and since we're all in the same miserable boat, you find yourself speaking a shorthand that is just understood.
So, Steve and Todd suggested Jager shots -- Jager? While the sun is still out? What is this you speak of? Yes, of course, I'll join you. By the time I left the Ale House I was feeling no pain.
Afterwards, I went to Elizabeth's house and the Noises Off DVD viewing. Elizabeth is the world's best hostess. It was nice to see David and Patrick (they had to leave pretty quick). Elizabeth and Michael Scott and Ashley and Kevin watched the DVD. Alyson showed up after it was over and we all hung out, went to the hot tub, drank (Kevin makes a mean drink). And it was nice. No Michael or Maddie or Stephanie. Eh, what can you do? I had a really good time, drank too many, what did Kevin call them, Cape Cods? And spent the night at Elizabeth's. Woke up Sunday morning, hangover, drove home, went back to bed.
Funny thing about my some of Noises Off cast - some of them seem to think they know me based on certain mistakes I made. (and I did make mistakes, never doubt it, but I love how in a lot of versions of The Story, I'm the only one who makes bad choices, the villain) For them I am forever that person. And that person has been set in concrete, there's no changing their perceptions. And these mistakes are almost constantly brought up and thrown in my face. When it's done, it's done casually, and don't think when it's done that it's meant to be mean spirited -- that's why I don't really say, 'That's an old, stale ass topic, could we move on a bit.' I would be willing to move on from that and try to put together new friendships with them's weird...I think there's too much history, bad blood, whatever...for that to happen. I think the most we could all hope for is to be civil when we see each other. That's possible. But as to being friends the way we were all friends during the run of the show -- I don't see that happening, which is a shame. That's the way I see it right now, anyway. I mean who wants to hang out with people who are more or less always telling some version of the statement: You're were such an asshole. That gets old.
(sorry, Gentle Reader, if that last paragraph was a little inside - there's no time to explain all the puzzle pieces - and trust me, it is an old, stale ass topic indeed)
So, Amber and Brian come down Sunday to see Rob's final performance of The Last Five Years. It was good to see them again. Then, they went with Jeff to help him out with his auditions for 1940s Radio Hour. That was pretty cool of them to help out.
I did not go to the auditions. Neither did Sarah. Instead, we went to rehearsal (even though the day was suppose to be excused) and were there to learn Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me. Well, Jodi was an hour and a half late. (So, we could have easily gone, auditioned, then been back with more than enough time to spare).
And Jodi didn't have the choreography ready to go. And guess what? We didn't finish the dance. Amazing. Add to that a number of dangerous stunts that Sarah is being asked to do and you have your basic, complete waste of time. It's stuff that prevents her from actually being able to sing her song. Genius. Well thought out. Perfect. Bunch of fucking idiots. Which is more important in a musical: singing or flipping over a pole? You make the call.
Afterward, me, Sarah, and Todd stopped at a Dunkin' Donuts (side note - because of the recent hurricanes -- this Dunkin' Donuts didn't have A/C and it was like a sauna inside, I felt so bad for the old guy working there) to do a little more venting. Starting today we are at Theatre Downtown. Most of the set has been built and we'll have to see how some of the 'finished' choreography melds with the new environment.
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 (There you have it. That's how many days left)

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