Friday, October 01, 2004

I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today

It's hard to begin.
So, I''ll just begin in mid thought..........

I'm at work, that's where the computer is, after all......and yet I'm in such a good mood.....a good mood that I'm blaming on yoga last night.....not to get all hippie dippy or anything.....but I always feel good after yoga......especially hip openers....there was something the instructor said about emotions being carried in the hips......maybe...all I know is I start to giggle whenever I do not to delve too deeply into the psychology of it....just enjoy the residual endorphins and serotonin.

And now to jump to another random thing:

The next hurricane I'm concerned with is one I like to call Hurricane Audience. The Rocky Horror Show opens in 22 days. (Good Lordy, Shorty, my stomach just filled with nerves) I don't want to ruin my good mood by talking / typing about it too's enough to say that I have plenty of anxiety about where we are as a cast compared to where we need to be 22 days from now.

Isn't it funny, when I'm in a show, I'm a wreck. When I'm not in a show, all I want is to be in a show.

Best not to delve into the psychology of that either, after all there's a good mood to preserve.

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