Thursday, October 28, 2004

Hey Bandwagon, Slow Down!

I'm addicted to TV. Actually, that's not quite true, I'm addicted to The BrightHouse version of TIVO. And through this lovely little invention I've discovered a new show: Dead Like Me. The last three nights in a row -- when I should be going to bed -- instead, I push play on the latest episode that's waiting for me. The show's about a group of grim reapers -- except being a grim reaper isn't this creepy, scary thing -- it's more like being middle management -- and these grim reapers use to be regular Joes, living, going about their business -- being a grim reaper is kind of their purgatory. That being said, the show is funny as hell. It' just goes to show you that no matter how cool or interesting a job might seem, to the people who do it day in and day out -- it's just a job. And I don't usually feel this way about actresses on TV (or movies) but the actress that plays Daisy (Laura Harris) is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I remember that she was the crazy, militant sister on the second season of 24. Very blonde, like Hitchcock blonde, which isn't usually my cup of tea.

I'll also eventually have to post my thoughts on my other, new TV obsessions: LOST and Desperate Housewives.

Had a fun evening hanging out with Steve at Pine Street. Steve gives off what I refer to as The Effortless Cool. Now, I don't know if on the inside he's a total fucking mess of self doubt, shame, and second guessing (like my outer and inner selves) but on the outside he's one of the coolest people I've met down here. Although, I'll admit it was like Bizarro world to have Michael Andrew come up and shake my hand and say he gonna try and make it out to the Halloween show and I'm being calm on the outside (in my own way just mimicking Steve's cool nonchalant-of-course-Michael Andrew-is here) but inside I'm babbling 90 miles a minute -- I love Swingerhead-saw Nutty Professor-you rule-I have your fucking Christmas CD, for, well, for Christ's sake -- and Bizarro again to have Christian Kelty (another Name, capitol N, right) sit down and hang out for a little bit with his girlfriend / friend / artist / (Amanda?) -- all of them very cool and nice -- one of the best, random Wednesdays I've had in a long time.

...... I know I shouldn't be making such a big deal out of that sort of thing, they're just people same as me but -- man -- I'm still very much that kid in high school who was just a ghost, a shadow, not even a geek really (that would at least have put me in the caste system somewhere). I was just invisible, I'm sure there are teachers and classmates that would say, "Josh Who?" I just always feel at the edge of the tribe and outside the circles. And that sort of mentality makes me ascribe bold print, capital letter status to people, I suppose

By next week I'll be doing a line of coke in the bathroom of The Parliment House with Wanzie.

But all that aside, I love that I have person to talk movies with. There were moments last night when we were talking about Batman Begins or Memento where I felt like, 'this is like those conversations I use to have with Tim at Borders'. I had forgotten how much I miss that. And, let's face it, it's cool to have a little straight male bonding time, I'm a bit starved for that. Thank you Rocky Horror.

And speaking of Rocky, our reviews are up, check them out: Look under Arts & Entertainment

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