Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Radio Free 1940s

So tonight is Jeff's audition and I'm pretty nervous. He hasn't gotten the turn out that he wanted or expected. Not many people at all. That's really too bad. For the most part, I think the people he's seen so far (Marcie, David, Ashley, Debbie) are all amazing and for me I would love to work with them (Marcie and David) or work with them again (Ashley and Debbie).
Jeff is now reading me for Clifton and Lou in addition to Wally. That's where all my nerves come into play. I would love to play Wally and I think I know the deal with Wally. Lou would be fun too. And Clifton would be great (like being the star) -- the only problem with being Clifton is that that was Jeff's part when he was in the show in college and Clifton is going to be put through some paces -- I'm just nervous that since all I paid attention to for so long was Wally, that I won't have a good reading of Clifton or Lou. And now I think that the musical director's (can't remember his name) boyfriend (can't remember his either) is the frontrunner for Wally -- cause the guy played the part with the touring company of the show. If that's true I really do need to read well for Lou or Clifton -- maybe concentrate on Lou the most since I'm sure Ashley is gunning for Clifton.
Tonight Sarah and Jenn and Andy and Todd and Caroline are all going (no Rocky for some of us!) I don't know what everybody is going out for. Sarah and Caroline both want Connie. I have a feeling that once Jenn and Andy see the drive ahead of them -- they'll both bow out. Todd may make a good Lou. Great, so now I'm carpooling with my competition!

On the Rocky Horror front, all I will say is that we are finally in the theatre. Theatre Downtown. And it's really nice. The set is up and I have to admit that even in its primordial state, it looks pretty damn cool. Can't wait to see it painted and finished. Sarah was put into a bad postion with Jodi (thanks to Seth) and Jodi spent a lot of time yesterday pouting and talking in that slurring-I-could-give-a-shit tone.

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