Saturday, October 02, 2004

Sucked the very business we call show...


I want Rocky Horror to be so good -- and today is, what, the 2nd, so we have 20 days to go until we open. And there's so much choreography that's just not done (thank you lazy, trashy, chain smoking cunt --- hmmm, that's a little harsh...but it's a harsh old world, isn't it). Not a single moment in ACT II has been worked. And the thing that's insane is that the choreographer (Jodi, the aformentioned lazy, trashy, chain smoking cunt) doesn't have anything ready to go, it's all this fly by the seat of her pants shit. And even the numbers in ACT I that are 'done' need to be polished and tweaked: but where's the time for that coming from when there's still so much to learn?
To me, the amazing thing is that Seth (our director) and John (our Frank N Furter) have these rose tinted glasses on when it comes to Jodi. She is the big white elephant in the middle of the room. Which is strange since Seth has all this passion for the show and all these great ideas and John throws out this amazing bad ass energy as Frank --- why can't they see our weakest link?
It was funny as hell to watch all the other phantoms (that's what us chorus members are called for those of you not familiar with the non movie version of Rocky Horror) lock eyes and then roll them in unison everytime we had to hear Seth say, "And Jodi will work out the choreography for this part." Really? Well, when's all this suppose to take place. Twenty fucking days. Okay, I can feel a blue streak of cursing coming on, best to stop now.

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