Monday, October 04, 2004

Let's Pretend That We're Dead

'We're not using the zed word'

And that zed word is: zombies. I finally got the chance to see Shaun Of The Dead yesterday and it was awesome, amazing. Not a false not in the whole movie. It left me with a serious jones to take a cricket bat (or do they call them paddles?) to a zombie's soft, fleshy pumpkin head. It's always fun when a movie lives up to your expectations.
Beyond the zombies eating brains aspect, I think that I related to the character of Shaun. He's kind of adrift. A zombie in his own life. A sleepwalker. He's a good guy, he just needs some motivation. It just so happens that a zombie invasion is just the thing to give him a push in the right direction.

I've got more to write, hopefully I'll get a chance to post later.

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