Sunday, January 30, 2005

She's My Sister (Slap) She's My Daughter (Slap) She's My Sister And My Daughter.

Just came home from the Oedipus audition. Pretty low key and fun. Saw Jenn and Marcie and Tyler and Kim there. Jeff is auditioning for it later tonight too. I read a scene with John - then went out to the courtyard to work on this African / Tribal dance thing. Even though I was a little concerned about it, it wasn't bad. I hung around for a while afterwards, just chatting with Jenn and Marcie and everybody. Don't know who will make it in - but I'm fine no matter how it plays out. Another show or a break - either way. It would be fun to do another show with Jenn and Jeff, I would love to be in a show with Marcie, John's great to work with, and I don't know...we'll just see how this falls together.

My call for ITW tonight is 9 pm. Fucking A that's late. I wish that I weren't so bored with the whole thing already.


Alyson said...

Stealing music is wrong.

There, that's out of the way - perusing your Gimme Gimmes - I have a lot of the CDs you want, and unless you're a 'need to own the original disc' kind of person, I'd be happy to burn them for you. I (heart) burning CDs on my iBook. (Have to justify the expense, you know...)

Please post the dates for Into the Woods, too - I'd like to see it.

Schmacko said...

ooo, dangerous.

When I get bored with a show, that's when I start screwing around with my character. Do you do this?