Friday, January 14, 2005

It's An Art

I couldn't stand to hear the lamentations of so many of my brothers and sisters, so here it is, the first QUIZ you've done in ages from Geoghagan Studios...where we know how it's done.This is 2005. And this is...


1) Tell me about your mother.
My Mom has the misfortune of being cast as the straight man on the sitcom known as The Geoghagan Family. She means well. She tries.

2) Describe 2005 in one word.

3)If you were hosting Saturday Night Live, who would you want the musical guest to be?
Gwen Stefani - Heaven help me but everything I've heard from her new cd rules.

4) Tell us about something that's popular right now that you 'just don't get'...
I'm going to say 'happies'.

5)When was the last argument you were in?
December. I actually broke the windshield of my car with my fist. I have issues, I suppose.

6)What is you Mantra?
At work right now, it's: "I can't even imagine giving a shit." I must think that 100 times a day.
I WANT my mantra to be: Fortune Favors The Bold

7) A good nap or a good shit...?
I'm doing fine with the other, so I'm going to say a good nap would be amazing.

8)Who is your Mentor?
There are a lot of people in my life that I look to for inspiration: Jeff, Marcie, Steve, Natalie, Sarah, Amber...
But I don't know if I've singled myself down to one Mentor. I'm still looking.

9) Who, of all your friends, would you want to get into a physical fight with?
There aren't too many of you I think I could actually beat. If I wanted to win, I'd fight Matt. If I wanted a good match up - maybe me and Kevin (he's got the height and the strength and the reach but he's the only person I know with worst eyes than me)

10) Elphaba or Glinda?
Green all the way.

11) Make a sandwich.
Wheatbread. Peter Pan's Peanutbutter (Smooth - don't let me hear an heresy about Crunchy). Welch's Grape Jelly. And a little bit of honey (from that container shaped like a Bear).

12)Do you believe in psychics?
I don't know if I believe - but I want to believe in that kind of stuff. I know that Marcie gave me a Tarot reading a couple months ago and a lot of what the cards said have happened.

13) Favorite Ancient Empire.
Ummm, the Romans, hello....

14) What's a Question you want to see on one of these Quizzes?
This is just me doing market research for the next Quiz.

15) These are a few of my favorite things...
My Moleskin pocket notebook, pens with gel ink, LOST (not just the show - but all the geeky discussion of the show as well), Chex Mix: Sweet and Salty, and this blog

16) Quick! Staring contest: you and me.
You win, you always do.......(Cantone!!)

17) What is the most romantic thing you would want someone to say to you?
This Is Going To Hurt.

18) Who is your Arch Enemy?
Nobody foils my plans and schemes better than Josh Geoghagan.

19) Miss Scarlet, in The Study, with...
The rope......also a very good Hitchcock movie.

20) Now there's a fetish I could really get into...

21) If it happens within our lifetime, would you want to help colonize Mars?
In a heartbeat. (I'm sure there are loads of psychological tests I would fail)

22) Do you kiss hello?
Not normally. No.

23) So, what makes you so special...?
Nothing really. I'm funny, I suppose.

24) Would you rather be eaten by a crocodile or a shark?
I'm going to say shark - because coupled with my fear of both animals, I also have a fear of deep water. Deep places. Very Lovecraftian of me (if I think about it too much even space seems really like the ultimate deep place). So, for me to be eaten by a shark - I must have been doing something pretty fucking bold.

25) Who are you really proud of right now?
My (insert heterosexual male term of affection here) Todd, for getting cast in his first show at UCF.


Average Hero said...

thanks bro, and i'm glad to be your hetero lifemate..

LuLu said...

I didn't realize your surveys had such a widespread reputation -- but from the excited chatter in this blogring (yep, I coined a new dorky-ass term, thanks), I'm getting the idea --

Schmacko said...

ShanksSX! Joshie for the new quiz!!!!