Thursday, January 27, 2005

Once Upon A Time In College Park, Where They Live Life Fast And They're Scared Of The Dark

I love my neighborhood.

Just finished Part Two of my day with Caseley. We went on a long walk around College Park. Down Vassar, across Florinda, up New Hampshire, back across Reading, and back to Vassar. Caseley is a weird mixture of timid-I'm-a-mountain-you'll-never-move-me-I'm-spooked and plough-ahead-almost-choking-on-leash-strain-to-move-faster-cars?-fuck-cars-let's-go-go-go. So, I switched between two personalities myself: one that enjoyed the tug of a fast moving dog walking like she's been given a mission from God Almighty, zoning, looking at houses for rent (and sale) -- and another, more hardcase, this-is-for-your-own-good, we gotta move drill instructor-get-the-fuck-off-my-obstacle, Pile!! - who made little noises to Casely, 'psst, psst' to indicated that the middle of Princeton is no place to cop a squat.

I like dog walking. It's sort of a determined aimlessness.

Then we got back to Jeff's and I presented her with her food bowl (which she was completely uninterested in this morning during Part One of my journey today) and she went to town on it to much, "goodgirlgoodgirl gooooddd girrrrrrrl good girl yes she is you were hungry yes you were goodgirl good girl goood grrrrrrrrll" from me. Then we layed on the couch for about twenty minutes: Panting and dozing, respectively. Now, in a couple of hours I'll go over for Part Three and give her some more attention.


Jeff and I are going to go see Trapezium tonight. Oddly enough, this is Part Two of a possible Three times for me. Saw it with Amber and Kevin and Marcie last week. Tonight with Jeff. And sometime before it closes with Sarah. Thank good orderly direction for free tickets. The show was really good, my kind of funny, so I think it'll hold up upon multiple veiwings. Snide remarks about Heather Leonardi being in the cast will be ignored.


Had lunch downtown with Sarah today and as we were walking back to her building, we saw Sarah Matthews walking the other way and I had this dorky urge to just bust out into a Courtnet Love sounding chorus of: "I'm not your Raggedy Anne, you're not my Andy - I'm not your Barbie Doll, you're not my candy." Sarah was correct, I made the right choice in curbing that impulse.


And, okay, I'll say it: I'm not that impressed with the cast of Into The Woods. Not yet anyway. Sometimes that sucks because there are cast members that seem nice - but who aren't that great. And sometimes it makes me curl my nose like I have a bag of Caseley's shit in my hand, cause they're really diva-like, with no talent to back diva behavior. I leaned over to the girl playing Cinderella's Mother last night and said: "It's not a bad gig: being a tree or a cow in this show, is it?" She agreed.


Hmmm? Do I think a certain level of talent justifies diva behavior? (As I read my last paragraph a voice in my head - one that sounded strongly like Marcie just asked me that question). Ummm, no, I don't think any amount of talent justifies or excuses diva (or let's not be so theatre for a moment: dickhead) behavior.


Still trying to figure out what to do for my birthday. I'm thinking of see if Gina and Geoff and Kevin and Megan and Ethan want to do, like, a MegaCon/Into The Woods/Celebration of Josh's Birth on the 2nd weekend of Into The Woods - on the 26th of February - that's the only day that I can go to MegaCon and that would save you guys from coming down two weekends. (Cause, let's face it - I pick and choose my Jacksonville trips very carefully and I can't expect people to come down to Orlando two weekends back to back). I'll try to call you this weekend to flesh things out. Free weekends on my cell. As for the 18th - I think that'll be my Orlando peeps and maybe some members of ITW and Amber and (possibly) my Mom and Dad. Something low key at my place, I'm sure. Problem is, there having some kind of reception at the theatre on Opening Night (aka my birthday). Don't know yet how bad that'll screw things up.


Turned in two more applications to the Library. Dropped off one last night for Fossil. Sarah emailed my resume to a postion at a bank in Winter Park as a 'peak hours teller', like, 11 am to 2 pm. Tick tock, right.



1) What is the name of your imaginary band?

Random Bastards

2)What is the name of your imaginary band's first album?

Hardboiled & Loaded With Sin

3) What is the name of your imaginary band's hit single?

Philip Marlowe

4) What instrument do you play in your imaginary band?


5) Your imaginary band is like a cross between....?

Mark & Lorna and Beck

6) What is your imaginary side project called?

Like a Blonde Satan

7) What imaginary juicy dirt will we discover about your imaginary band on VH1's Behind The Music?

My love of cross dressing

8) Give us a sample lyric?

"Where have you gone, Jim Thompson?"

9) What song does your imaginary band cover?

Beck's "Cold Brains"

10) What real band joins your on tour?

Cosmic Pimps


Material World - Money
Satin Sheets - Naked bums
Blizzard - Florida
Real Estate - Real Simple
Dress Up - I don't own a single pair of black pants.
Wesley - John's middle name
Robber - Cops
Saliva - Caseley
Slave - Jim Morrison
Shift - Werewolf


At this point I'll drop the microphone and walk offstage.


gigi said...

I just wanna say... nevermind, Marcie beat me to it. :)

Greyjoy said...

Marcie Marcie Marcie, whatever made you feel that that reference was for you..... ;')