Friday, January 07, 2005

The First Day Of The Rest Of Your...Huh?

(before I begin let me just say - motherfucker - why is this blogger toolbar such a pain in the neck and an ache in the ass and a milky drip from the tip of a sore dick - I pick a font - okay - then a letter size - opps, the font changed - pick same font - opps, letter size shifted back - get those two under control, hit italics - opps, back to square one - get all those brush fires under control, change font color - motherfucker - it's like this horrible ritual - this angry god that demands tribute)

Yesterday was a great and productive day. I drove out to Sci Fi City, picked up an application (and found out that they have a boardgame for A Game Of Thrones - sort of looked like Risk and you could play as House Stark or House Lannister or House Tyrell or House Baratheon or House Greyjoy - my namesake - cool stuff). I had to hear about everyone's blog posts via phonecalls with Sarah (yes - I'm that addicted). Sarah and I had lunch at Donatos - there's always room for pizza - and we had a great conversation about what we wanted to do (you know dreaded Future Stuff - the subject matter I tend to want to ignore. I like the place we are in now. I think that things can only get better for us. And let me just make all of you throw up -- I have this huge smile on my face thinking about her right now). We talked about what we wanted to do when our leases were up, where we wanted to be five years from now, all that stuff.
I'm really excited about two jobs: The Downtown Library and The Cornell Museum at Rollins College. The Library would just be a great fit for me right now - personality-wise. This Museum job would be hard work but there is a huge bonus involved - if you work at Rollins you have your tuition waived. School - I could go back to school. I'm so excited about the idea of that. That would just - man - that would just - it would be like reordering my DNA - the universe would list to starboard - Ye Gods - so anyway, in case you can't tell, I'm excited.
So after my lunch with Sarah - who printed up some resumes for me - I dropped a resume off with Mad Cow Theatre and with UrbanThink Bookstore (right around the corner from Lowndes). The manager from UrbanThink even knew that Geoghagan was an Irish name, for some reason a lot of people look at it and think it's German - and that always bugs me.
Then I drove out to Rollins (yesterday was their registration for classes) and even though I couldn't register (no money honey) I wanted to - I don't know - get a feel for it. After that I drove to where the Cornell Museum is - there's a lot of construction and this BIG SIGN that says: COMING FALL 2005. So, it looks like the building is being remodeled.
From there (since I was so close) I drove to Park Avenue, walked around. Picked up another application from this children's bookstore called Fairy Tales. Went by Family Cards and Comics (I'd heard about it in Steve's Christmas Wishlist Article in The Weekly) - nice place but my OCD went into fucking overdrive - the place was a wreck - stacks of comics in mylar fucking everywhere - graphic novels on shelves - but in no logical order or grouping - DC mixed with Marvel mixed with Darkhorse mixed with Crossgen mixed with Image - Spiderman mixed with Batman - The Hulk mixed with Strangers In Paradise - I'm so compulsive but it would have given me nothing but joy to organize that whole store (the place is tiny). Set up better displays for all the toys and models.
Then I drove home - had a dinner at Jade Bistro with Sarah and Rob. This is funny, Rob was sort of mock annoyed by his placement on my little impromtu-family-is-more-than-blood list. And of course the list wasn't ranked in order of importance - just type type type. So I joked that I should come up with some sort of pie chart to show the exact amount of love I have for everybody - accompanied by statistics like --- Jeff Lindberg holds steady at 2.445% --- Stephen Miller up 3.14 --- Kevin and Megan receive a huge boost from the 'you guys live too far away' theorum.
Shipments of Mom lost over the Congo.

Blogger's First Rule: Never get upset about something you read about yourself on somebody else's blog

Not that Rob was actually upset but it just felt that the right time to write out what I think is a pretty basic idea for blogging and for having such an extended circle of people all writing and reading each other's posts. Nobody wants to be hamstrung because they know so and so is reading. It's a razor sharp line though. Cause I don't want to use my blog as a passive aggressive tool either. And not being very confrontational myself - I don't really want the first time you know I'm upset with you to be from my blog - that's not cool. But if I'm upset I want to be able to write about it. Jeff and I have talked about this many times - it is just a fine line. And I think that Blogger's First Rule (although it's hard for me to aways hold to it) is just the best way to deal with those kind of situations. Cause let's also remember that a lot of us spend a lot of time praising each other too. Ah, I love you guys.

After dinner, I went to Kevin and Marcie's to play some D&D. The game itself was a interlude game - our characters rested up - you'll all be happy to know that Marcie's character now has a Hawk familiar - super fucking cool. The three of us should no better than to game on a weeknight - we always spend the first hour chatting and laughing and talking - before we jump into the D&D. It was great, Kevin put in this greatest hits of 1999 that he gave to Marcie (to remind each other of 1999 cause that's when they got married) and that song where the guy just keeps saying, "I'm Blue Da do dee da da Da do dee da da" came on and Marcie really likes that song and I just thought that was funny and great and it made me happy and made me laugh and I'm still not sure why. I found out that they danced their first dance at their wedding to 'Dream A Little Dream' - such a sweet, beautiful song.

Then I drove home, gathered up a toothbrush and some pajamas and spend the night at Sarah's place. She was madly cleaning her bathroom. We watched a little TV - then went to sleep. Best day I can recall in a long time.

Woke up. Drove to the bank. Got out my money. Went home. Did my Envelopes. Wrote out my check for my insurance. Checked some blogs from yesterday. Wrote this post. Have no idea what I'm doing next. Tonight is the first rehearsal for Into The Woods. I'm pretty excited. I'm sure that there will be a whole new world of posts that will come from this show.

I'm going to say it: I miss Todd. Todd, you're reading this, I suppose. Hey, I miss you, man. Don't know when the next time I'll see you - probably when I usher for Go Left Right at Playfest. We need to go do something, soon.

Now, that's not to say that I don't miss 300 or 400 other people for various reasons (some people, like Emily, have been on my I Miss This Person List so long the ink has faded). You are all pretty. Which in a round about way reminds me to call Steve. Weird.

Well, I should probably shower and brush my teeth and figure out what to do for lunch and fill out applications and various other things.

Wouldn't it be funny if at this point in the post I decided to launch into that long ass bloated 150 question quiz that's lumbering from one blog to another like a fucking dinosaur? I love quizes but that one just seems like work to me. Now that I think about it, it's about time I jump back into the quiz writing game.

This year. Man.

"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
--Cersei Lannister

1 comment:

David Almeida said...

Ummm... excuse me... Why isn't my name mentioned anywhere in the 'people you miss' section or the 'fabulous people you love' section or the 'people you look forward to sleeping with someday' section? I'm really hurt and upset with you, Dude.