Monday, January 24, 2005

Blathering Blatherskite

My eyes are burning. My throat is raw. I can't breath. Humans just weren't meant to be in a small enclosed space, spraying Lysol Mildew Remover (with Bleach) willy-nilly. Had to take a small break from my cleaning to let my eyes cool off (and open the window in the bathroom). I just wanted to keep going, despite the burning tears leaking from my eyes -- get it done, clean, finish. The kitchen is finished. The bathroom is almost done. Next on the list is the living room, followed by a Early Jump On Spring Cleaning look at my bedroom. If that all happens today, we'll clean out my car. That's the theme today - scrubbing corners (my version of prayer), listening to music, and rearranging some things. At some point I have to buy garbage bags (I'll refrain from sidetracking into my single roommate pet peeve). There's no Into The Woods rehearsal for me tonight. That means candlelight yoga for me. I may go up to the gym a little early and join David on the treadmill (depending on how the cleaning goes). Tomorrow begins a new round of looking for a job. I have so many resumes floating out there and applications too -- probably lining birdcages. If I can get motivated, I'm going to go to that Tuesday morning ashtanga class - might be a nice way to get a little jolt of good orderly direction to begin the day tomorrow. Groceries have to be bought too. And some stuff from Target. I wonder how the pictures Amber took will turn out?
(They got these pictures of everything - to break us down, yeah, to break me down. -- that's for Amber)

Here is a quiz that Geoff has up on his blog:

1) Describe yourself in 20 words or less.
Funny. Compulsive. Creative. Smart. Morbid. Odd. Geeky.
2) Handguns. What do you think?
I've never shot one. The thought of holding a loaded gun makes me feel a little sick to my stomach.
3) Tell me about a film that you love that you want to share with others.
Unbreakable is M. Night Shyamalan's best movie. It's a perfect superhero story. I hate that of all his movies, it's seen as the worst.
4) Do you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about your past?
(I'm guessing that Geoff does). Umm, never in the middle of the night - but every day, at some point, I think about the past - something I did, something I should of done different, something I wish I could relive.
5) What were you doing ten years ago?
Probably hating 9th grade and writing poetry about it.
6) What kind of girl/guy do you like?
Redheads. Talented. Funny. Smart.
7) Pitch me a horror film set in New Orleans in the 1940s
A detective is trying to find his femme fatale client's sister, who has fallen into the hands of cultists who worship Cthulhu and plan to use the girl in a ritual that will help bring The Old One out of his slumber. As the detective learns more of the truth, his sanity is chipped away, creating strange twists in his perceptions -- maybe it's HIS client who is really the cultist...
8) Tell me something sappy.
When I was growing up, playing basketball in my backyard - the ball would sometimes get covered in pine tar - and so would my hands - the quickest way to unstick everything would be to go over to the big tank of kerosine my Dad had by the shed and dowse my hands and the ball with kerosine.
9) The alternative music of the late 80's and early 90's was great. What did you like back then?
Whatever happened to PM Dawn?
10) I want to throw a party. My theme will be Italian horror and film noir. Give me some ideas.
Have a bartender that knows how to make a sidecar.

Well, the fumes have probably died off enough by now, once more, into the breach (or is it onto? or unto? oh. for a muse of fire, who could tell me if that's the wrong word)

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