Saturday, January 22, 2005

Spread Out, We Can Do More Damage That Way...

Well, the cast of Into The Woods bonded today a little -- over food.

Anne needed to work with a few people on a specific scene - so most of us were given a 15 minute break and told to get out of the Black Box. Out in the lobby were all these tables loaded down with food and all these VCC students and people with official name tags (some Awards Banquets for student who received scholarships). Of course, all of us jumped right in line and grabbed a plate - they had grapes, pineapple, melon, cheese, crackers (CHEESE AND CRACKERS?), chicken wings, spinach dip, tiny cheesecakes, brownies, cookies, meatballs, the works, right...
All of us sit down (me, David, Tyler, Zinnia, Charlie, Liza, John, Chad, Amanda, & Ashley) start talking, eating...a couple of minutes go by and then one of the official name tag people comes by and asks us what campus we're from...?

"East." John says.

And when the name tag lady turns around, we all scattered to the four winds, like bats. (If this were a movie, if Life were a movie, the audience would have hear that classic movie sound when a spider or other creepy crawly things makes its way across the screen).

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