Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Step Into My Office (Part 2)

It is a dark time for the freedom fighters of the rebellion, pursued by the evil forces of the GALACTIC EMPIRE....


Where was I? Oh yeah - I answered no to the two questions put to me.
Then I was told how that I'm not a very good fit here.
And how Terrence doesn't like to fire people over the holidays (although he considered it).

Sounds bad so far....then....

He says: These people you work with, they are stuck here, they're married, they've got kids, they're going nowhere. But you have potential, you're young, you're artistic --- you'll find something else, something better.
However, it's always easier to find a job when you have a job ---so, do you think you'll be able to find something by the end of January.

Me: Yes.

Then he says: Okay. That's good. And if you need to take off for interviews, let me know. I like you Josh. You're not an unpleasant person to have around. I just don't think this was the kind of job you need.

And then we talked about our holidays for a few minutes. And then I left, went to lunch.

I'm off the next two days. I don't know what the next week here will hold but right now I feel like I fell into an open sewer and came out holding a solid gold watch.

I'm not fired. I'm sort of being gently pushed in that direction, yes....but I was going to quit of right now I have a little buffer. Better use it wisely.

How many days left in January? 26?


On another note let me say that Stephen Miller rules and it was very helpful talking to him about my course of action yesterday. As soon as I get a chance his link is going up.

Let me also say that I just had a very nice lunch with Sarah and Marcie at this place downtown called the Pita Pit.

Yoga tonight. Off tomorrow. Early ashtanga yoga class. Rollins. Searching. Jigsaw. Friday. Into The Woods. Weekend. Must buy clothes. Hole in the ass of all my jeans. Belt loops burst on work pants. Target here I come.
This is the prologue. The prelude. The page has turned. The board is set. The pawn is moving (if I make it to the other end of the board, I get to be Queen, how exciting!!!)

1 comment:

gigi said...

That gentle push has got to be a sign of better things to come. It happened for a reason, so take advantage. :)
