Thursday, January 20, 2005

Relatively Prolific Blogger


I wish I had this great story for you...about going into work on Tuesday and within 15 minutes of sitting down at my desk --- getting a phonecall from one of the HR people (always a bad sign) and putting my backpack back on, checking my desk for anything personal (cleared away weeks ago) and heading down to the HR person's office and lo and behold -- there's Terrence. Let's talk, shut the door please, Josh...followed by 10 minutes or so of HR and Management Speak (The Old Tongue, if you like) that made little to no sense and did I mention it was pointless. Turn it keys and keycard, go over this checklist...and then poof. Gone. Done. FIn. I really wish that that made a better story -- but it is what it is, Boring as Hell with a side order of Dull. But there it is for those of you that want to hear it.

I'd rather talk about Playfest and the amazing shows that I've seen or my little battle with the costume lady over my Milky White (or Dingy White, as I call it) costume or how funny and pointless it is to get annoyed by people posting to your or your friend's blogs or the places I've dropped off applications or how I'm not worried yet (although I can feel it under the surface of my skin) or what I want to buy at Publix or my birthday party or any other fucking thing on the planet....

Playfest ------- Has been really fun this year. The other ushers I've worked with have all been really nice.
The shows I've seen have all been great (all for different reasons).
The highlights:
Driving Miss Cherry Blossom - Eric Pinder and Karen Amano were wonderful.
Vine One Acts: Kim was great in See Rock City, Lucy Carney was so strong in The Anglo American Alliance (and, weirdly, she looks like my Mom)
Prisoners Of Love - was weird and fantastic and odd - both Andy Sapora and Elena Day were funny. Elena is the choreographer for Everyman at Mad Cow (with Sarah and Kim)
Nothing Happened - John Didonna's play, very intense. Featuring great work from Sarah and Christain Kelty.
Nirvanov - I fucking loved it before and I think it rocks now. Want to try and see it one more time before Playfest ends.
The Night They Kidnapped Barrymore - wonderful staged reading of a show that reminds me of why I like Picasso At The Lapin Agile so much.
ME ME ME ME - Amy Steinberg's show was exactly what I thought it would be - it was what I needed - it was nice.
Go Left Right - yay for me for not signing on to this project. Gods bless Tyler and Todd and the other actor in this show - but they are all held down by a really poor script by Al Pergande.

The Battle For Milky White will have to wait until another post.


gigi said...

Cool. Yeah, he's giving it another try. :)

Hope you're doing OK!

gigi said...

The whole thing's pretty fun. I love anything Gwen does. I'm more than happy to burn it for you and give it to you the next time we see each other... which reminds me, are you going to MegaCon this year? Geoff and I plan to go...