Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Me? I'm A Song And Dance Man.

I feel so fucking.....good, light, I don't know.
And that's sort of a funny feeling for me
I'm like the junkie that feels like shit every morning and then gets off smack and wakes up and feels normal - but it feels weird to feel normal - anyway, enough Trainspotting logic -
I now feel really good.
I know there are plenty of unwritten pages ahead but things feel...possible.

That's the word for it: possible. A Possible Josh. A Possible Life. A Possible Future.
Mining the variations. Chaos theory. Self fulfilling prophecy. Red Ball.
Make Your Mind Up, Stupid Ho?
I could break out into a song right now: America Fuck Yeah! would work, I think.

I'm glad that I'm not the tooth wiggler that I use to be. That I'm changing for the better.
That (today at least and tomorrow I hope) I can silence all the negativity brewing in the back of my brain -
that I don't have to be a slave to my predisposition for glass-half-empty thoughts.
I own you serotonin! HA HA HA.

Sarah. Jeff. Marcie. Stephen. Amber. Mom. Dad. Jessica. Michael. Emily. Gina. Geoff. Kevin. Megan. Kevin. Eric. Travis. Arjean. Brian. Tim. Missy. Dianne. David. Michael. Val. Fran. Kris. Caroline. Kim. John. Elizabeth. Larry. Todd. Tyler. Natalie. Steve. Jenn. Autumn. Miss Sally. Drew. Tammy. Jay. Brian. Paul. Rebecca. Brian. Mikey. Rob. Seth. Kim. Matt.

Wow. I'm a big believer in 'family' being more than just blood. And here a list of people I think of as my family. Some who are in my life a lot and some I don't get to see much. All of them important. All of them different (and like a real family - some of them wouldn't want to be in the same room with one another) I just suddenly felt the need to type all these names out really quick - so I could look at them.


gigi said...

Speaking of family, I seem to remember an absinthe-induced night in which I repeatedly asked you to be my brother. You were nice or screwed up enough to agree. :)

Oh, and I posted below re. your opportunity to move on to better things... I don't know if you check comments for previous entries...

David Almeida said...

Congratulations, Josh! I kept checking for the next entry with baited breath... great tease. I am so happy that things didn't go as badly as you expected. I am pleased to read the joy in your words and to be counted among your family. If you need anything, you know I'm here. (Well, anything but a job, that is...)

Average Hero said...

I'm honored to be considered Family. Thanks Brother.

Kevin and Megan said...

Yay! I'm family!

I definitely believe that your family is much more that just blood, and have considered you part of mine for a few years now. Here's to all of us having a fabulous new year!