Saturday, January 08, 2005

You Can Have Your Wish - But You Can't Just Wish

Yoga class this morning. I feel really good.
Technically there was an Into The Woods rehearsal today - but the first week or so everyone is going to be concentrating on music - so I was excused this morning. My next rehearsal is Monday.

Yesterday we played this theatre game where you pretend to throw an imaginary ball to another cast member, making sure to make eye contact with them and making a noise as you 'throw' - either DING, BANG, or POW.
I usually hate theatre games but this was kind of fun - even if some people tried to play it more like dodgeball - the key to it was the eye contract - yes I want the 'ball' or yes I'm about to throw you the 'ball'.

Then we worked on the Finale of ACT II and the Finale of ACT I. They may have people backstage singing into mics . So, I may have to be one of those people (at least for the ACT II Finale). And that's okay - but, man, does it take some stamina to get through those songs...

Anne kind of explained the rough idea of what my costume for Milky White will be like - or at least what they're leaning towards. It's going to involve something going over my arms to make them at lond as my legs - I'll be bent forward. She said they were going to try and get something approximate for me to use as soon as possible - which was one of my worries solved.

I'm looking forward to Monday's rehearsal. Anne mentioned working with certain people about character backstory - I wonder if I should be trying to imagine the life of a milkless milkcow right now? Maybe.

Man, that yoga class put me through my paces this morning. I can tell I'm not at the level I was back in October. I may go to the ashtanga class tomorrow morning....

Okay at some point today I need to call: Steve, Marcie, Todd, and Steve Miller (sorry Steve, you're like Charlie Brown you have to marry the first name with the last name).

I want to go see A Very Long Engagement at the Enzian tomorrow.

Me, Sarah, and Jeff went to Mark & Lorna's last night - Jeff tried out a new cocktail (well, new for us): A Sidecar. Very nice. Lorna was in rare form and they did the CHICAGO medley just for us. Always fun at the Red Fox.

I'm also very excited to say that I think Jeff's puppy has finally warmed up to me - which is nice. She was licking my face like crazy last night. And my nostrils. But it better than her 'don't-look-at-him-and-maybe-he'll-go-away' attitude that I have been getting.

Jeff's probably going to talk about this in great detail but we were listening to his copy of the British Cast of BAT BOY and let me tell you, for all the bullshit Americans get for doing British accents - that recording levels the playing field - there's not a single person in that show that doesn't sound like Tea and fucking Crumpets....Jeff will go into it...

Well, I'm off to Target...

1 comment:

gigi said...

Geoff & I plan to start yoga soon, but I'm wondering... what's ashtanga? I guess I could look it up, but it's more fun to ask via blog.