Wednesday, January 12, 2005

So Be It, Jedi.

Just found out from Cid Stoll (the coordinator for the ushers at Playfest) that the guy who performed The One Man Lord Of The Rings Trilogy at last year's Fringe - if you missed it, you missed out - may be back this year with his One Man Star Wars Trilogy (which I haven't seen yet). And he might perform it at Disney's Star Wars Weekends, as well. My geeky DNA cannot stand it.

Speaking of Cid Stoll - I'm having a blast emailing back and forth with her today - she's funny. All of these emails just because I don't own a pair of black pants (there's a dress code for ushers). I haven't even mentioned that I don't have a white polo shirt (don't want to be made fun of). I'm sure I can find a white shirt somewhere.

I'm glad my first ushering night will be: A) with Jeff. I feel like I haven't seen him in forever. Even though he totally invited me to go to Target and Best Buy yesterday. and B) The Vine One Acts, one of which is starring Kim Gray, who I really haven't seen in forever. It's always fun to see your friends onstage.


You may have noticed some new links under my friends. Rebecca and Al. These are two former co-workers of mine from Borders that I'm pleased to reconnect with. Rebecca is an amazing singer and violinist and Al is an incredible spoken word artist, writer, and actor. Just being able to check in with them from time to time makes me smile.


No Into The Woods for me tonight. They're working on music (and the music is hard - just talking about the microscopic bit I may have to sing from backstage). So, for me, that means one thing: yoga. Ah, bliss on tap - just a few down dogs away.


Just watched this new show on HBO, Unscripted. It was really good. About actors trying to make it in Hollywood. It has a documentary feel and a lot of celebrities appear as themselves. It's both really funny and really sad - mixed together.

Also in TV Land: 24 is good again. Jack Bauer is back. Medium is worth checking out - I'm going to give it a few more episodes. There's a new LOST tonight, maybe they're finally going to do something with the character of Shannon.

Gotta go. remind me to talk about Carnivale and Deadwood next time.


gigi said...

I've got the Unscripted season pass set up, and plan to keep it. I like the show so far. I haven't decided what I think of Medium. We're still giving it a try, but there's some weak acting in it... I just love "I see dead people"-type stuff...


LuLu said...

I ... am embarrassingly excited by the One-Man [insert sci-fi epic here] coming back to town. I had heard he wouldn't return after last year's Fringe. Bring it on!