Wednesday, March 16, 2005


"....finally, someone let me outta my cage....time for me is nothing cause I'm counting no you shouldn't be there, no you shouldn't be scared, I'm under a snare and I'm under repairs...."

Well, I couldn't be happier that the day is over. That is a long time to be stuck in a room, staring at a computer screen. I would make a bad Steve McQueen in The Great Escape....that tiny, tiny room just defeats me. Cooler King. Is it bad that my little notebook is full of doodles....tons of them. (Today I drew a planet that I called Wonderland Prime and then drew all these little moons in the sky and gave them names to {ALICE, MAD HATTER, MARCH HARE, QUEEN OF HEARTS, WHITE RABBIT} and charted their orbits in the sky over Wonderland Prime) Tomorrow, I start on OZ Prime.

You know what's fun: pressing your finger into the slightly soft surface of a flatscreen computer monitor -- it creates this great, watery ripple effect. With blues and yellows all mixed in -- it's probably wrong to do but I found myself jabbing at my screen today like a kung fu student. Creating these rat-a-tat-tat patterns as quick as I could before the first few would start to fade. Raindrops. Bullet holes. Worm holes. The fucking T-Rex is coming. Boom. Boom. Boom.

I am seven years old.

Let's jump from that ship, shall we? Oedipus rehearsal last night was a strange mix of useful and frustrating. Going into rehearsal, I was in a pretty good mood (just happy to not be at a desk), Jeff and Christain were in kinda bad moods - nothing too dark (not by my standards) - just 'blah'. Jeff was starving and he didn't eat and we're rushing to get their on time (the tagline for Oedipus may end up being: WORK MY HOLE!) and we do...and several other people are late (and I've never seen so many people bring food to a rehearsal) poor Jeff is starving and surrounded by people eating. And we worked on a lot of the opening sequence....which is good and I'm glad we did...but then we didn't have enough time for the Tiresias bit and that really needs help (which is weird because the first time we did it, it felt pretty strong...maybe we're forcing it too much??). And there are a few other things bothering me about the show -- there's too much committee, too many voices, opinions. Now, I'm not asking for a dictatorship...there's room in this show for us to throw in our ideas. It's just seems like a lot of people talking to hear themselves talk, offering up nothing new or just questioning things to death (what to fuck does it matter what you do with your left arm! let's do it once and see where your left arm naturally wants to be! fuck me!). So, by the time we started our run of the show -- I was frayed and pissed and annoyed. And their was no one to turn this empty rage on - it was no one's fault, just several inter-related things that slowly pushed my buttons. And some people in this show don't even have to come to rehearsal!!! Now, if all these conflicts were known ahead of time, I guess I can't really blame the actor. And then there's the strange case of my friend and fellow cast member that's driving me bugshit - to the point where I can feel my face sneer and my skin crawl with annoyance.

And, now, due to weather, rehearsal tonight has been cancelled. I'm not happy about this (even as frustrating as it can be, I feel like this is bad fucking mojo to not stay in a zone). Our next one is Saturday. So, tonight, I'm going over my script, my lines, trying to remember when and where I move. Hopefully, with three days to do it, I'll have the script memorized. One less thing to worry about.

And maybe somehow this can be combined with a nice, quiet evening with Sarah. So, I can be happy about being handed a night off to share this week. Starting tomorrow night Sarah begins another weekend of Everyman.

The Shield started its Fourth Season last night. I have the episode in my Freevo. Glenn Close is going to take on Vic Mackey, should be pretty cool. Can you imagine that? You're already on a hit TV show. Emmy and Golden Glodes and all that. You're a working actor, slowly becoming a name, a celebrity. You're doing good work on a great police show. And then you get to work with Glenn Close. And not in a guest spot, one episode deal. For a whole season. 13 episodes. A complete character and story arc. That has to be amazing for them. And maybe her being on the show will bring in people who wouldn't normally watch Vic Mackey beat up a pedarist with a phonebook.

What is the most surprisingly accurate observation somebody has made about you?

Anytime anyone (let's see Sarah, Jeff, Marcie, David, Steve, Amber) has told me I'm too hard on myself.

Or when Marcie was reading my Tarot the other day and she said, 'You probably have more friends than anybody I know, so you couldn't be as big a shitbag as you think you are, so knock it off!'

What is the most surprisingly inaccurate observation somebody has made about you?

Probalby Steve Miller - he always seems to point out the things he thinks that annoy or upset me - and those are usual things I can deal with. It's usually something else that I'll lose my shit over.

What do you worry about most often?

The future. The past. The present.

What traditions have you taken on as an adult that were not a part of your childhood?

Drinking at social gatherings. Believe it or not, most Geoghagan functions are dry affairs.

What do you dream about that you don't realistically expect to ever come true?

That I'll ever get my shit together enough to hammer out this fantasy novel in my head.

Name three things you're insecure about?

Whether I'm funny or not, my teeth, and the fact that I don't have a degree in anything (except for my AA)

How do you feel about nursing homes -- for you personally -- should you ever become sick?

Just press a pillow over my face.

How do you feel about life support for you personally?

No. Never. No. I've been through enough of my waking life as a shell -- I wouldn't want to finish it out that way.

1 comment:

Schmacko said...

I probably do that because you're so damn attractive, you make me tongue-tied and nervous.