Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Josh, You're The First To Die!

Usually, at this point in a production - this early on, I'm nervous and I feel like it's already doomed to failure.

Not with Oedipus.

I think that this show is going to be something special. Jeff and I were joking yesterday that we are not in Oedipus - we're in Aida.

Last night we went over the opening, the annointing of the Creon, Jocasta, and Oedipus, and the wraiths and the plague....

So far, my favorite moment is during the annointing of the three characters -- all of the Chorus is against the walls and we're all -- not singing -- but making these noises, notes of sound, making them louder or softer just by opening or closing our mouths -- and I was just doing it and imagining us all tribal and covered with mud -- the sound is very creepy and, I don't know, very Lord Of The Flies (or maybe those weird children in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome)...I think that it's going to be this great, evocative moment in the show....

My body is sore. I'm aching, my knees are shredded....my stomach muscles are throbbing right now, I've got bruises on my hands....it's going to be a physically demanding show. No doubt. Walking wounded.

Here are my lines (well, mine and the rest of the chorus too):

Help Us! Save Us! Help Us Oh Oedipus! The Dead! The Dying! Help Us Oh King!
(there's a build up of music during this line that is very Aida to me)

Tonight, we're working with the creepy priest-puppets. With their creepy scarecrow fingers . They disturb me, a bit.

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