Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Microphone Check One, Microphone Check Two...

Microphone check three, you can't see what I can't're blind baby...

It's weird to be a teller. Or at least a teller-in-training. It's just the type of job that you take for granted, you don't think about it -- there have always been bank tellers in your life, behind glass, vaguely friendly (mostly), doing whatever the hell it is that they do.

My favorite parts of working in a bank, so far:

Talking into the microphone to the customers at the drive through.

Giving out lollipops to kids. (and dog biscuits to dogs...)

Sending things through the pneumatic tube at the drive through.

Secretly wanting a Point Break style bank robbery to happen, complete with themed masks (Ex-Presidents, Rabbits, or maybe those creepy clear masks). Fatalistic, I know. But I can't help it. And, hey, I'm behind seven inches of bullet proof glass --- let fly, motherfuckers!!!

That's about it. The rest is fairly boring. Not horrible. Just boring, paperwork, regulations, 3 million bits of information that won't stay in my head. I've noticed that unless something is interesting to me, my memory is awful. I can't retain. I can feel myself zoning out during what I'm sure is something I should be paying attention to. But when something grabs me, when I become fascinated, I just absorb facts and fiction with ease.

What the fuck is up with my picture disappearing? I guess I'll have to find another one. Hey Amber...can I use that one you took of me? The bad ass Humphrey Bogart/Marlowe/Sam Spade picture you took? That one would be pretty cool.

Oedipus tonight. We're finally in the Studio space. Chants, odes, beats, lines, sweat, circles, volume, bushes, torches, loinclothes, sand, choke, grit-in-eyes, heat, puppets, whispers.....

Time. There's never enough time. You always want more time. Tomorrow, I get out of work at noon. I'm going over and over the script, the movement, the odes....and still manage to do four loads of laundry. We have Friday off and Easter off. Saturday is, like, an all day event. Then on to Hell Week. Where did March go? It's over (Over? What was over? Not the night...)

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