Saturday, March 19, 2005

Iggy Pop and Absinth Spoons

JavaJohn throws a nice party. And David was there, which was really cool. (Poor David was worried as hell about me -- due to recent blog content -- it's okay, I'm fairly okay, no worries.) Todd and Amanda were also there -- that's a great party as far I'm concerned - David, John, Todd, and Amanda.

The theme was post Saint Patrick's Day, so there was a lot of green -- green cupcakes, green chips, green napkins and streamers....

And John gave me a gift that he got for me in New York -- a green tie with a picture of Iggy Pop on it. John is just totally one of those guys that can remember a tiny little detail about you and then apply that knowledge to a fun, random gift. Once at rehearsal, I mentioned I had a thing for samurai, samurai movies, Japanese history, that sort of thing -- the next day he brought me his copy of Shogun and let me borrow it. He rules.

Another thing about both John and Todd that rules -- and that I'm kind of envious of -- is that, the other night, after bowling, when me and Sarah and Amanda and her brother and Tyler all took off, they went to Independent Bar together. Let me remind you that they had just met at the bowling alley that night. I just think that is so cool -- maybe, mostly cause it's just not something I would do -- go to a club with somebody I just met -- so, I'm glad I have friends that'll do it.


David Almeida said...

It was a great time. And I don't worry THAT much about you - you have a great support system.

The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, Great blog by the way.