Friday, March 11, 2005

The Alamo...In...The Basement!!!

Last night I was so bored. I had spent the whole day curled up on the pajamas, last week off, no cellmate to pester, nothing on Tivo, no where to go, nothing to eat...bored to a place and point where all decisions and options seem lame...nothing to do, Sarah going to Everyman, I got up, showered, got dressed...and started driving. The whole time I'm in my car, I'm staring at my cellphone...using my evil will, spider-like, forcing someone to call...finally I call my sister and settle on a trip up to Borders...and in the middle of a sentence with Amber, the call waiting goes off...hold on, Amber...huzzah, it's Marcie...I answer her call (totally leaving Amber on the other line, for which I'm going to say sorry, that was rude)...Marcie wanted to know whether or not I could go see Romantic Comedy at The Studio Theatre...we talk for a bit...and then I do something I've never done before...I start sighing a lot...after every sentence, really dramatic...yeah, I've got nothing to do (sigh)...just thought I'd go to Borders (sigh)...until Marcie (caught in the spider's web) says....Umm, you want to come over here and watch Survivor?....thought you'd never ask...

Seriously, I hope this isn't a personality trait that I'm going to be using a lot...or ever again. But I did have a lot of fun at their house. We hung out, low key, watched Survivor, watched The Episode III Trailer debut on Fox (...ahhh, sweet Episode III, I still have a beautiful throb in my balls from it...can't...wait...until....May 19th)...and then Marcie read my Tarot for me.

And she is (as I've said before) really good at it. The deck that she used with me is not the traditional Tarot deck...but a deck that uses a lot of symbols and characters from Fairy Tales, Novels, and Mythes. Some 'characters' that showed up in my reading last night were: Gandalf, Little Red Riding Hood, Huck Finn, Alice & The Mad Hatter. The reading was mostly positive. The main thing I took away from it was that I need to be -- Bold, Open, Awake, and Aware. And there was something that came up in the cards about someone else I know being in trouble....and Marcie doesn't know this, when she asked about them, if there was anything wrong with them....I was floored. Since this person wouldn't want their business wallpapered all over blogworld, we'll leave out names.

I'm always half fascinated with how the reading pertains to me...and half fascinated watching Marcie interpret the cards.

But overall, it was positive stuff. Enjoy things. Don't be so down on yourself (or as Marcie put it -- you have more friends that anybody I know -- you can't be as much of a shitbag as you seem to think you are -- so stop it), be Open....cause there's a blink-and-miss-it-chance coming....

Fortune Favors The Bold, as they say...

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