Monday, March 14, 2005

Mad Scientist

I'm so fucking pissed at myself right now I wish I could take a sample of my DNA, clone myself, rapidly age the clone to about the age of 20 or so......and beat the dog walking shit out of him/me.

Fuck. Cocksucker. Bastard. Fuck.

My blood is fucking up....and if only I could bellow until things altered and adjusted and realigned themselves around me. (Without me having to actually do anything, of course.)

What a beautifully miserable end to a numb-dull-as-watching-paint-dry day.

I would almost rather rage around the house like a ten year old than be bored.







Well. I don't feel any better -- but that'll come eventually. Once the initial wave crashes and recedes back into the crocodile brain...some form of rational thought can take all of the jumbled mess...and start working them back into a more...pleasing...shape.

1 comment:

David Almeida said...

Umm.... ho-honey? Are you OK? You and Marcie are both scaring me a little today! Oddly enough, Monday being a typically unhappy time for me, I actually had a really good day at the office and beyond. Very odd. So sorry you're not in your happy place. Big MWA. Call me if you need to. -D