Sunday, March 27, 2005

I've Always Wanted To Say That

I just saw the strangest thing. I just came home from a day out with Tyler and Todd. Lunch with Tyler, coffee with Todd. And Tyler just dropped me off at my house -- and my neighbor, Stephanie, was walking upstairs to her apartment with two dogs, and when she got to her door and managed to open it -- she knocked one of the dogs off the balconey. It landed in the courtyard. Thud! It was a pretty shocking picture.

And I said:

"Your dog just fell. He's down here."

And I went over to it, to see if it was okay -- the dog took it pretty well. Almost stoic. Stephanie came down, frantic -- her and her roommates are dog sitting. But the dog seemed fine, if a little depressed about the whole thing. He never even let out a bark or a whimper.

1 comment:

Schmacko said...


Poor puppy. This is horrifying!