Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Magic Number

3 Names you go by:

Josh (the classic)
Joseph Joshua (but only when someone is appalled at something I've done)
Joe Goeghagan (this alias of mine worked at Lowndes for a while)

3 Screen Names you have:

Greyjoy is really the only one I've ever used.

3 Things you like about yourself:

My sense of humor

(this is a hard question)

3 Things you dislike about yourself:

(ah, now this is more like it)
My cowardice
My 'glass half empty' chemistry
My wishy washy nature

3 Parts of your heritage:

American Indian (Cherokee, I believe)

3 Things that scare you:

Deep Places (like wells, caves, or ocean trenches)

3 Everyday Essentials:

A shower

3 Things you're wearing right now:

Mickey Mouse T-shirt (yellow and blue)
pajama shorts (white and burgandy striped)
underwear (also burgandy)

3 of your favorite Bands/Artist of all time:

Johnny Cash

3 of your favorite songs at present:

Any bits that I can remember from Nirvanov
"Evil" by Interpol
"The Ballad Of Maxwell Demon" from Velvet Goldmine Soundtrack

3 Things that you want to try in the next 12 months:

Writing a story
Acting in a Fringe show
Perfecting my Pan Am smile at a new job

3 Things you want in a relationship (love is a given):

communication that happens with just a raised eyebrow or a twitch of the lips
a sense of the absurd

2 Truths and 1 Lie:

I'm a venomous bastard that has a 'kill switch' on all my friendships - I know the exact 'deal breaker' thing I can say to anyone that will make certain they never want anything to do with me ever again.

I keep the vast majority of my opinions to myself

I killed that fat barkeep.

3 Physical Things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:

A nice bum
pixie-like body shape

3 Things you just can't do:

Be happy more than sad

Be serious more than silly

Be straight and narrow more than twisted and wide

3 of your favorite hobbies:


3 Careers you're considering:


(but I haven't written anything in a while and I'm still kind of scared of starting)

3 Places you'd like to go on vacation:

The U.K.

3 Things you want to do before you die:

Start something and finish it
Enjoy what I do for a living
Get away with something

3 Ways you're like a stereotypical guy:

(another hard one)

I like College Football
I'm not very romantic
I sweat - a lot

3 ways you're like a stereotypical chick:

I'm offended that you used the term, 'chick'
I like to wear make up - I'm waiting for the next show that gives me an 'excuse' to wear make up again.
I sometimes stick my dick between my legs and talk in the voice of the guy from Silence Of The Lambs:
"Put the lotion in the basket."

Maybe that's more like a stereotypical serial killer.....oh well...question answered.


gigi said...

That last bit nearly made me spit out my Sierra Mist!

Schmacko said...


Average Hero said...

Thank God for Dane Cook...he is my Saint of...Tic Tacs in the Ass.