Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Party Tax

Some people just don't know how to throw a party....

So let me make it clear that a bowl of Cheese Nips, a bowl of peanut M&M's, and tap water do not a party make make.

Or billing something as a cast party and for every one cast member or tech crew (and I'm even throwing in boyfriends and girlfriends of cast members and tech crew) there's three people unrelated to Into The Woods in any way...

This made me bring something out of retirement...the party tax. Amber will know all about this.

If you are at a party that is completely lame...but there's some obligation that forces you to be may take certain items home with compensate you for your lack of a good time.

I usually go for a remote control, if I can find one. Magnets from the fridge work too.

Then there's always posters....but that's really for a pro....and I'm a little rusty (I guess that means I go to a lot of good parties these days).

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