Thursday, April 28, 2005

What Say You And Me Go Kill Some College Kids, For Old Times' Sake.

The first read through of Horror Over Drinks went really well. JavaJohn has his shit together (or he looks and acts and sounds so much like he's got his shit together that it's practically the same thing). We all were given little packets of info: on our characters, costumes, the layout of our venue (we're Pink, I believe), a burned cd of some of the music we're using, schedules. I'll be interested to meet with the person helping out with my make-up but other than that, it was pretty cool. Chilled bottled water and an envelope of money. The guy playing Jason is very good. His name is Mike. He's a horror fan - he had on a House Of 1000 Corpses T-shirt. Which, of course, reminded me of Rocky -- and he's totally got the DVD of the show at home. He works at Universal with Katrina (our Columbia) and she let him borrow the disc. I wanted to shout, "I'm all over that fucker!!!"

It's funny, considering the characters we're suppose to be -- but parts of the show are actually kinda sweet. If we can all pull off the right tone with this -- I think it's going to be really nice. A show that people will enjoy. The genetics are there, the construct is there -- it's going to be such hard work -- crazy time table -- but it's what I want -- to keep moving, busy -- like a shark. Put flesh on it.

I'm excited. I'm hopeful. I feel really good about this. I think Fringe is going to be fun. Busy. Crazy. Hectic. Insane. Fucked Up. But very fun.

The next month is gonna be intense. At every stage of the game. All facets of my life.

Jump right in.

1 comment:

LuLu said...

so judging from this content... my Fringe show "Thrill Me" may be RIGHT up your alley.

Is that shameless self-promotion, to plug my show on your blog?

But then again ... didn't we have our first (only?) random meeting at the Fringe afterparty last year? Maybe it's just fate.