Wednesday, January 04, 2006

You're A Million Ways To Be Cruel

Today was a nice, little day. Got a haircut. Picked up some applications. Tonight I have tech rehearsal for the PRT Launch. After that, who knows....
Pay some bills, put some change in my pocket, a tattoo on my shoulder...I'll be pleased as punch to have a whole daisy chain of these types of days this whole year....ha. I know it can't last. There's a corner. There's a shoe, ready to drop. Some nightmare. Some dysfunction. But...there always is. New years don't change that. But this year, for me, it's not about the quiet moments before the storm or the's about how well I handle the fallout, how well I walk through fire...cause diasters occur...and I can't expect them not to have effects on me...but one of those effects cannot, must not be despair. Can't cry about the house blowing away...just gotta grab some nails and planks (crucify myself, just kidding) and rebuild. Choice. And what you choose. I've let myself push that Despair Button until the lettering's been wiped away. It's just not the shiny button it use to be. And it shouldn't have any attraction for me anymore. Ha. Let's see how well I wax Zen when something bad's actually going on......but nice little, blank days like this are...very lovely.


Kevin said...

good outlook ... here's to the calm before, during and after the storm!

LuLu said...

Hey -- I was at Launch tonight. I always really enjoy watching you perform -- you have a naturalness on stage that is really refreshing and great. Just wanted to tell you that since, um, we don't really know each other that well. :-) Congratulations and good luck with the rest of the weekend...

The verification word is "axhoot." Weird.