Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sit Still, Fucker!

I started learning to juggle at work yesterday - slow news day.
Ants in my pants. Spastic.
My ass laughs when I sit down, like, 'Thank Christ'.
So busy, so special, so smart, so pretty, so what, sew buttons.
Last night was wonderful. Warm. Beautiful.
Reminded me of other times.
Need to get up from this seat.
Wash some clothes - especially the clothes I have to wear at Swank tonight.
(Can I just say that I'm not a huge fan of the sound of that word - Swank - it sounds like the definition for thigh/ass/labial/scrotum sweat - I'm just saying I wouldn't name my club that)
I'd call my my club HEAD - and if you went there, you'd know what was up.
Little clown car - defeated by two wires - fucking blower motor - the new one sits in my passenger seat - my mocking copilot.
{clap clap}


David Almeida said...

"...thigh/ass/labial/scrotum sweat..." - HOT.

I always thought of "Swank" in the same way I think of the word "Diva" - it is an appropriate descriptive term used by others, but when a person or a place declares THEMSELVES to be such, it is a little weird.

I wonder if there is a language rule or technical name for a term like that. Probably not since language use is fairly subjective, while language rules aren't...

We'll have to think about that one. Or invent a word of our own, just for Luerne. (What do you think... a "luerne adjective" - a descriptive term applicable to others but not for usage when describing oneself or one's property.

I like it!

tm said...

To me, "swank" has several meanings. I spent years listening to my friend Melinda describe things as "swanky" in a really positive way, like, "My aunt just bought this Lamborghini, it is so swanky!" I tend to agree with you, though, Joshie. Swank sounds dirty to me, like, "Ew...look at that swanky girl, she has a scorching case of herpes and her genital warts are bubbling out of her shorts!"...maybe because it rhymes with skank, I don't know.

Instead of calling it a "luerne adjective," maybe you should just call it a "luernity." It has a better "made up but sounds like it could be a real word" quality to it...

gigi said...

Swank is most definitely a girlie mag. I kn q my porn! You might remember that Geoff worked for a Swank A/
V when we lived in Orlando the last time around. It was always good for a laugh!

gigi said...

I am so not good at typing on the phone!